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Make Our President Black Again Hat

More than 1,300 reader comments were made in less than 24 hours in response to the story published on Th evening about whether President Donald Trump's signature Make America Great Again baseball caps have come up to symbolize racism.

Some of the remarks were posted to the story itself, others on the Free Press Facebook page most the hats, which have get the subject area of heated debate, especially following a racially charged incident January. 18 near Washington, D.C.'s Lincoln Memorial.

That's where students from Covington Catholic School were wearing MAGA hats when they got into a confrontation with a Native American human being from Michigan. Also in the surface area at the fourth dimension of the collision were four members of the fringe religious grouping the Black Hebrew Israelites, who hurled insults at the students.

In this Friday, Jan. 18, 2019 image made from video provided by the Survival Media Agency, a teenager wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat, center left, stands in front of an elderly Native American singing and playing a drum in Washington.

The encounter led some to say that the hats have come to represent racism and the president's white nationalist agenda. Others disagree.

Here'southward a sampling of what readers had to say (Comments have been edited to correct misspellings, capitalization, punctuation, and offensive words.):

Tim Rousse:The just person that could actually think this chapeau is racist ... is the RACIST, the junior person that wants privilege based on their own color of skin, the takers, the non-doers, the lazy, the ones who feel they are owed something.

That is the person that could really retrieve a red hat of "Brand America Great Again" could be a bad matter. Wow!

Damon Warren:I remember this defines the political debate in our country overall. Both "sides" are so convinced that not only are their own views infallible, but anyone who disagrees could but be an idiot. Add in a cocky-righteous overtone and yous've got this commodity; and your response to it. #exhibitA #twosides #samecoin

Ken Brockington: The MAGA hat is a symbol of back up for Trump and his credo. Not everyone who voted for Trump shares his racist ideology, however racist groups expressed overwhelming support for Trump and his racist ideology. Sadly, many people who DON'T consider themselves to be racist were SOMEHOW able to vote for a man who had fabricated NUMEROUS bigoted comments. Ultimately, not all Trump voters were racist, but all Trump voters were undoubtedly either themselves racist or racist tolerant.

Laurie Grady: I don't fifty-fifty own a hat, but I will buy some now. Kinda like all the Trump signs yous liberal loonies couldn't stand; everyone was stealing them. Didn't work and then, not working now.

Brady Borycki:Absolutely incredible. The mean intolerant left will stop at nothing. It'south America. You tin can wear whatever you want; it's chosen the First Subpoena. Brand America Bully Again is racist? These people are SICK.

FILE - In this May 7, 2016 file photo, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at a rally in Lynden, Wash.

Robert Jenkins:If one has bothered to study even the smallest fraction of American history, you would not but know that America never was dandy but also that a country with said history should e'er make that claim. Has the country done "peachy things?" Yes. However, a few bright spots dotted over a most 241-twelvemonth history does not cover upwardly for all the wrongs committed. This hat is simply political propaganda.

Geralyn Vertz: Dazzler is in the middle of the beholder. Don't hold with the slogan on the hat? Then don't wear 1. But respect the rights of complimentary oral communication and stop trying to shout people into silence. That's fascism.

More than on

Are Trump'south Make America Corking Again hats patriotic or racist?

Catholic student: Our group was not hateful in Washington D.C. incident

Native American human being: Covington Catholic students' 'mob mentality' scary

Buddy Osborne:At that place is a narrative that needs to be understood when people habiliment that hat. The person wearing it needs to exist able to explicate why America was no longer not bad in the showtime identify and what they envision America condign in the future. Explicate your points and you might really be treated with respect. Otherwise, people assume that you believe America lost its greatness when a black president was elected and became neat again when a white, male president was back in the White House.

Cedric Powers:The media is working overtime to create a narrative out of whole cloth. Only the person who wants to see racism in a stupid hat volition see it. This campaign to vilify the Trump campaign slogan and hurt his chances for the 2020 election means the Democrats are truly out of ideas.

Crowd cheer for President Donald J. Trump during Make America Great Again rally at Total Sports Park in Washington Township, Saturday, April 28, 2018.

Jeff Hadacz:My definition of "Make America Smashing Again" is making America an economic powerhouse, a military powerhouse, pride in being an American. Nobody complained when Ronald Reagan & Bill Clinton used the exact phrase in speeches they gave years ago. People are just miserable because their ain scumbag Hillary Clinton didn't win. You don't have to honey your regime but back up your state, be a Patriot.

Judy Puhl: Hmmm. Black kids shouldn't wear hoodies if they don't desire to exist seen as thugs, women shouldn't wear skin-tight clothing if they don't want to be seen as sluts, but these white boys shouldn't be judged past wearing MAGA hats? Sounds like a double standard to me.

Ramon Royce:For many people, MAGA supports the ideas of a specific population. A population that has been rooted in political control and racial intolerance. Although the hat does non contain a racist phrase, information technology does amerce cultural groups that have never experienced a time when America was truly great.

Tom Bacon: There are far worse things printed on shirts, posters, truck-back windows, etc., yet nobody seems to intendance well-nigh that. It's a Hat, for gosh sakes! If you are offended past something written on a hat, then the problem isn't with the lid.

Chuck BigelowI recollect nosotros should take a hat that says "America is Great and together we can make it even better."

Joseph Perotta:I judge making America cracking again isn't for some people. They'd rather accept more abortions, more than perversion, more than immorality, more dysfunctional individuals and families, more broken, single-parent, and fatherless homes, more than semi-literate students and adults, more than drug usage, more illegal aliens, more entitlement, more race pimping, more racial sectionalisation. …

You are against making America great because that requires difficult work, cede, honesty, morals, and a lot of things that obviously you don't have anything to do with. You're more interested in a state that caters to your selfish and sinful nature, volition let you do any you want, and will provide everything in life for it (big "cradle-to-the-grave" authorities), enforce the residue of the earth to revolve effectually y'all and treat yous with Christian virtues.

Davi Napoleon: The chapeau is racist, but that's not all information technology is. It ways "Take America back to the nighttime ages, earlier Roe v. Wade, before consenting adults could marry whomever they loved, before we made a small step toward giving anybody wellness intendance, and a bunch of other things. And, certain, before nosotros had an African-American president."

Annabel Bickel Walker:When ane wears that lid, one is maxim they agree with Trump'south policies and behaviors. Since he has openly shown he is a racist, elitist, misogynistic, corrupt person, then wearing that hat says one agrees with those ways. It is most definitely racist. Just like if someone were to moving ridge a Nazi flag, this lid too, shows 1'southward behavior.

Robert Stover:For all who say racist, was it racist when Pecker Clinton said it? I say neither but afterwards reading all of these comments from all the sensitive crybabies that are offended past everything. It makes me want to buy one, I guess I must be racist and never fifty-fifty knew it.

Dawn Corbin Willmarth:Racist? This give-and-take is being used so much I think some people forget what it ways.

Travis Lai: And water is moisture... MAGA Hat = White Hood . That'due south what information technology means and that's what information technology's MEANT to mean to others.

David Hiser: To all the snowflakes responding here, I guess you didn't have a problem when Bill Clinton used the same phrase when he campaigned. If you don't want to MAGA, stay on the sidelines, ride the pine, and keep watching those who desire to MAGA work hard for everyone, even you!

Tom Stechow: What does it matter if a MAGA lid is a political statement? You may agree with or you lot may not, but it is withal a political statement. Why were students representing their school wearing a political argument on their heads? Where were the chaperones and school/church administration? Many of the same people supporting the students wearing the hats would accept a fit if students from a public schoolhouse went on a field trip making a political statement. Since parochial schools are tax-exempt they are really indirectly partially funded by the taxpayers.

Contact Kristen Hashemite kingdom of jordan Shamus: 313-222-5997 or Follow her on Twitter @kristenshamus.
